One (1) box of Angel Food Cake mix - make according to box instructions
For the Brittle
1.5 cups granulated white sugar
1/4 tsp instant coffee
1/4 cup light corn syrup
1/4 cup hot water
1 TBSP *sifted* baking soda
For the whipped cream frosting
2 cups heavy cream
2 TSBP granulated white sugar
2 tsp vanilla extract
1 cup sliced almonds, toasted to your desired taste
While the cake bakes, fix the brittle:
In a saucepan, combine 1.5 cups sugar, instant coffee, corn syrup, and water. Stir well and cook to the hard crack stage (290F) - a candy thermometer is non-negotiable!
Once it reaches the hard crack stage, remove the pan from heat and immediately add the *SIFTED* baking soda. Stir vigorously, BUT ONLY UNTIL MIXTURE BLENDS AND PULLS AWAY FROM SIDES OF PAN. Quickly pour FOAMY mixture into an ungreased, shallow metal pan/cookie sheet. Do not spread or stir.
Let stand until cool. Once cool, knock it out of the pan and into a ziploc bag. Using a rolling pin or something equally effective at smashing things, crush candy into coarse crumbs. Desired consistency is entirely up to the baker and/or tasting audience.
When cake is thoroughly cool, whip the heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla together. Cut the angel food cake into three layers and spread the whipped cream mixture in between layers, on top, and sides. Cover the top and sides with candy crumbs and dot the top and sides with as many toasted almonds as you can. Think: porcupine!